With his determination and the help of guides, Simon managed to tackle distances such as 83 miles in the Cotswolds and 155 miles Four Deserts Marathon in Namibia without his sight.

They say that seeing is believing. But what if you can no longer see? How can you believe in anything then, and do others still believe in you?

Simon Wheatcroft was just 17 when he was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa – a rare genetic condition where sight degrades over time. The diagnosis and recognition that he was losing all contact with the visual world left him questioning his future.

Simon Wheatcroft, blind ultrarunning.

Simon Wheatcroft has defied the odds to achieve some incredible running goals.

Battling against people’s preconceptions of his now limited capabilities, Simon needed something to give him a focus and to prove them wrong. That something was ultrarunning.

Simon Wheatcroft has challenged adversity becoming an ultrarunner.

Simon Wheatcroft has challenged adversity becoming an ultrarunner.

Undeterred by the most difficult and unpredictable terrains, Simon started trail running with the help of guides. In the face of adversity – where every foot strike could spell danger – trail running made Simon feel alive and connected.

With his determination and the help of guides, Simon managed to tackle distances such as 83 miles in the Cotswolds and 155 miles Four Deserts Marathon in Namibia without his sight.

With his determination and the help of guides, Simon managed to tackle distances such as 83 miles in the Cotswolds and 155 miles Four Deserts Marathon in Namibia without his sight.

Conquering the challenge of trail running and tackling large distances such as 83 miles in the Cotswolds and 155 miles Four Deserts Marathon in Namibia without his sight, restored Simon’s belief in his own potential, making his incredible achievements plain for all to see.

Trail running made Simon feel alive and connected.

Trail running made Simon feel alive and connected.

We all have our own trail and challenges to run and overcome in life. Are you ready to conquer yours?


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