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It has been said that music is the strongest form of magic. Indeed, music is a powerful force that has the ability to take you back in time, transform your mood, or even transport you to a different place. Merrell wanted to explore this further so, in collaboration with Size?, they searched the UK for the best up and coming DJs who use nature as their inspiration and help transport their audience to The Great Outdoors.

In essence, Mountain Radio aims to celebrate our oldest muse – the beautiful world around us. Nature has been singing since the dawn of time, and, whilst it is sometimes drowned out by the hum-drum of the city, it is always there crying out to be heard.

The DJs that Merrell  have partnered with know this and look to transport you through their music to the beautiful hills and vibrant coastlines that we have all over the UK.

The first DJ goes by the name Flora Win-Young and when she isn’t in a recording studio, she likes to spend her time out in nature and can often be seen cycling her local canal lanes. For Flora, nature is the ultimate muse – it is never-ending, always changing, and beautiful to its very core. Her love for the outdoors was typified by her decision to record her latest EP, The Sacrifice, not in a cushy recording studio in London where she’s based, but in a remote cabin in the North Wales wilderness.

You can check out a Q & A with Flora here [LINK] which goes into more detail about her artistic process.

You can check out a Q & A with Flora here [LINK] which goes into more detail about her artistic process.

Mountain Radio has also seen the work of a Mancunian DJ, Finn McCory, spotlighted for his ingenuity and ability to capture the expansiveness and peacefulness of the wild. For Finn, the outdoors is somewhere he goes to decompress and also find spaces that help him unlock his creativity. Edale and Hope Valley have provided the backdrop for several of his music videos and you’ll often find him there hiking the hills meditating on his next hit.


For more insight into how the outdoors has shaped Fin’s music, check out his Q & A here [LINK}

For more insight into how the outdoors has shaped Fin’s music, check out his Q & A here [LINK}

As part of the campaign, both DJs have created bespoke tracks which take you on a journey from the city to the hills. They celebrate the escapism that the natural world provides from the hustle and bustle of the city and encourages the listener to relax and lean into the natural calm that nature provides.

To check out the tunes that Flora and Fin have created head to the Merrell EU on Spotify. 

Delve further in to the  Merrell lifestyle range.

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