
Unless you happen to have access to an Oculus Rift, it can be extremely hard to maintain motivation day in day out for all 365 days of the year.  Sometimes, the easiest way to get the motivation back and to inspire you to get out into the wilderness is to spend an inexplicable amount of money on a new gadget.  Often you don’t need it, most of the time you can’t afford it, but you always WANT it.  So hide your wallet and check out some of the coolest (and most expensive) tech that will make you jump off the couch and spring into the great outdoors:



Despite nearly everyone on the planet getting one this Christmas, the selfie stick is so last year. You’re simply not doing your social media feed justice if you’re still sticking your phone on a phallic plastic extendable pole.

You’re simply not doing your social media feed justice if you’re still sticking your phone on a phallic plastic extendable pole.

What you really need is an autonomous drone that will follow you while you’re blazing trails albeit running, biking or skiing. We’re obviously presuming that if you’re daft enough to buy one of these that you’re already well acquainted with the GoPro Hero4 that is required for the actual filming.

Enjoy your adventure and hopefully the endorphins and the buzzing of the drone will drown out that nagging feeling that you’ve just spanked your hard earned cash on a Transformer that doesn’t come with Megan Fox. We REALLY want one.



BGAN Explorer 710 satellite terminal

Do you ever feel like you’re off the grid then get a message from your cell service provider asking if you want an added minutes/text bundle while you’re away from home?!

If you want to test the limits of this toy you’re best heading where cell reception won’t go.

If you want an excuse to really push the boundaries and head somewhere where you’ll no longer be subject to unsolicited sales calls you’re going to need a satellite terminal. If you want to test the limits of this toy you’re best heading where cell reception won’t go. Now you can FaceTime with your dog while you’re taking a selfie at the south pole. It won’t be a cheap call though…




Yes you have a sports watch and it can tell you how fast you run, how many miles you’ve cycled and the number of feet you’ve climbed but nothing lives up to theBreitling Emergency2. On the face of it, it’s just a watch.

If anything’s going to inspire you to head out into the most remote, most inhospitable location possible, it’s strapping this to your wrist.

Sure it has an analogue and digital display and you can use it to time boiling an egg, but where this thing gets really interesting is when your life is on the line. If anything’s going to inspire you to head out into the most remote, most inhospitable location possible, it’s strapping this to your wrist. The thing that sets this watch apart from every other, is that it has a dual-channel emergency satellite transmitter that activates at the twist of a a dial. Lost at sea, stuck on a mountain or missing in a desert you cannot put a price on the value of life… but Breitling have tried and its roughly $17,000 ($18,600 if you want a titanium bracelet instead of a rubber strap, which we clearly do).



Not everything designed to inspire, motivate and excite you has to bankrupt you. Short of a few pennies then download Strava for your smart phone or android. Chances are a few of your buddies are on there too and the ensuing battles can be immense. Nothing makes you feel like you’re being lazy than noticing that even your work colleagues who aren’t even into fitness are still lapping you while you’re on the couch.


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