Trail Stories

Ever asked yourself what “My Nature” truly means to you? Rather than trying to mold my idea of #MyNature into a boring plate of mashed potatoes, I’m going to cook up a nice 4 course Italian style meal stuffing your mind with the impression of my nature!

For some time my mind sat in a boggled state after receiving what I thought, to be an overly abstract question. If you know me, then you know I’m quite abstract myself. Not a victim of routine lifestyle. Rarely will you find me creating the same recipe twice or running the same route frequently over a training period. I’m constantly seeking ‘change’. In essence, abstract art, foods and diversity encompass who I am.

Nature has always been a part of my life. As a child we played a game known as “manhunt” where we split up into teams and basically played hide and seek. My team strategy was well, quite simplistic. Not much intelligence was needed for my strategy. Instead of wasting time finding great hiding spots my team strategy was merely to RUN in the woods on technical and nasty terrain. I found that most kids weren’t willing to chase you through a muddy patch or across a field covered with shrubbery towering over our short statures. So, we would win or lose based on fitness and skill. No matter the terrain or location, my theory was “just run on as many different terrains as possible to scare off your competitors”! All it took was heart and a desire to push the body beyond its fears!

The beauty of answering the question of “what my nature” means to me, is that nature has no boundaries. It is timeless and of course, abstract. My Nature is changing… My Nature is appreciation of history… My Nature is challenging myself in diversity. Diversity not bound solely to the idea of exploring my limits on terrain such as roads and mountains, but also diversity in life. Through experiencing as many cultures, foods, languages while also challenging my physical limits across the globe, I believe #MyNature will remain in the present, genuine, ever-evolving.

Diversity in culture is fundamental in appreciating the core values of life. Many times while exploring a new trail or summiting a new peak my nature causes me to reflect on history and marvel at the fact that someone selflessly created routes/paths that allow myself and others to experience freedom in the outdoors. To me selfless behavior has always been one of the highest of human qualities! We are given a gift that allows every one of us to expand our horizons and feed our desires for that intrinsic connection we have with nature.

Sitting atop a peak fabricates imagination of a time years ago where someone may have sat atop the same peak I sit on today. I can’t help but wonder what they must have been thinking, feeling when they reached this very same summit. Instant appreciation fills my heart whenever curiosity leads me to a new world, a new mountain, race or simply engulfing myself in a new culture and sounding silly as I attempt a new language.

Nature presses us to connect with cultures across a tangible line where we all experience the pleasures of the simplest of human desires… ‘Exploration’ and ‘Adventure’. Through these experiences humans are able to appreciate other cultures and gain knowledge of how other cultures define their ‘nature’.

The theory of “#MyNature” universally connects and sustains the notions of beauty, uniqueness and untouched terrain simultaneously spreading across the globe. The imagination that nature crafts brings us all back to childhood. A time where we all had beautiful imaginations. A time where life was at it an all-time high in the arena of freedom and carefree bliss. Just because we are big kids now doesn’t mean we can’t still tune into that childlike imagination to enhance our experiences in nature!

Mi Naturaleza Es…

Min Natur Er…

Ma Natur Est…

 What’s does MyNature mean to you???

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