Returns can take up to 14 working days from the date of receipt at our warehouse. An automated email will confirm the refund however, depending on your payment method it may take a few days after that for the refund to show back in your account.
We will gladly accept returns for merchandise purchased through If you purchased from another store or website, please contact the retailer directly. Merchandise must be returned in its original unworn condition, and within 30 days of original purchase (invoice date).
In order for us to process your items correctly, you’ll now need to print / include an invoice (3x copies), the Return Authorisation Form and a free UPS shipping label.
How to return your purchase
Click the ‘start your return’ link below and fill in your Order number, last name or email address and your postcode.
Select the item(s) you wish to return, and the reason for the return. This will generate the documents you’ll need to include with your return. Please note, this may take a minute to process.
Place the item(s) in the original shipping box, or another suitable box with the shoe box intact. Insert the Return Authorisation document and seal the box securely.
Fold and attach 3 copies of the invoice to the outside of the box (personal details do not need to be visible, but clearly label as INVOICES on the outside). Attach the UPS Shipping Label to the outside of the box.
Drop the Package off at any UPS location and keep your drop off receipt. Find your nearest drop-off location. Or call UPS directly at 03457 877 877. Please note that there may be a charge when calling.
Or, arrange a UPS parcel collection. Read More
To schedule a UPS parcel collection, you'll need fill out the form found here.
Follow the below to fill out the form
Select YES for "Do you have pre-printed UPS Shipping Labels for your shipment?"
Enter your tracking number starting with 1 Z, this can be found above the large barcode at the bottom of the returns label. You must enter the tracking number to avoid paying for your return
Fill in your name, address and telephone number.
Tick the box if it's a residential address.
For the weight of your parcel, please type in "1".
Under 'UPS International Services' select 'UPS standard' as the delivery option.
Select your collection date and time.
Section 1. Shipping Label questions
Section 2. Collection Information and Location
Section 3. Service and Package Information
Section 4. Collection Date and Time
Click next and verify your collection details.
You may also call UPS directly to arrange a pick up over the phone. Please note that there may be a charge when calling. UPS UK - 03457 877 877
Read MoreExchanges
At this time, we cannot offer exchanges. Please follow the return process and place a new order.
Issue with your order?
If we made an error on your order, please follow the return instructions for a free of charge return. Upon receipt of the parcel at our warehouse, we’ll refund the cost of the order as well as any delivery costs to the original payment method.
Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact us prior to returning your item(s).
Email or call us on 020 3376 2738.