Könighaus am Schachen
Martyna Janik
Martyna grew up in the beautiful small town of Trzebiatów on the Baltic Sea in Poland and moved to Munich, where her love for the mountains started when she was 15. Since 2017 she has only run in mountainous runs and can no longer imagine life without trail running.
Seasonal Secrets
The best times to visit this trail are May through September and if you want to celebrate King Ludwig II's birthday here (as he did each year) August 25th is the date. Bring your own cake.
Sturdy footwear is advisable owing to the length of this trail and the varied terrain you come across. Prone to wet conditions, so pack waterproofs.

Pit Stop
The Leitenbauer family have been tenants of the Berggaststätte am Schachen, a 70 person overnight lodge and restaurant next to the castle, for 14 years. Call/visit https://www.schachenhaus.de/über-uns to check opening dates and to book ahead.